One-to-one high imitation bag factory WeChat agent
Our company has long-term provision and wholesale of luxury high imitation products from WeChat manufacturers. Our store has a physical store in Guangzhou Baiyun Leather Goods World Trade Center, selling world-class luxury bags, watches, clothing, etc., such as Chanel, Prada, Coach, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Burberry, and Armani. First-hand manufacturers supply wholesale prices, complete supply and guaranteed quality. There are Hong Kong three-type receipt shopping bags and film packaging. Support dropshipping and return and exchange.
We are now recruiting luxury goods nationwide agents for free: physical stores and online agents such as Taobao and WeChat can guarantee zero investment, zero inventory and zero risk to ensure reliable first-hand supply quality.
Agents only need to forward my WeChat pictures and publish them on their own WeChat or sell them on I will give you the agency price and you can sell it to customers at an additional price. If a customer buys a package from you, please submit the order to me and I will deliver the package.
Agents save themselves the financial pressure of purchasing goods and the tedious delivery. As long as they have a mobile phone, they can do it part-time or full-time. One is also the agency price! ! ! As long as you have pictures, we will have the supply. Whether you are a student or a housewife, as long as you have WeChat, you can become an agent and use your circle of friends to make money! ! !
Customer Service WeChat ID:
Bag WeChat ID:
Watch WeChat ID:
Clothing WeChat ID:
Shoes WeChat ID:
Accessories WeChat ID
Smuggled goods, parallel imports, original goods WeChat ID:
Mk one to one high imitation bag factory WeChat agent